Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Personal Views
My personal views on this book were that it was very interesting, and it kept my mind constantly thinking, and moving at a rapid pace. I found this book very fun to read, and hard to put down, it is one of my favorite books that I have read. Though this book was very interesting, it also had some far fetched ideas. The amount of antimatter which the Vetra's created was so enormous, nobody has gotten anywhere close to this kind of knowledge yet, and this part of the novel was slightly futuristic, though it made for a very good story. Also I thought that Langdon seemed "indestructible" he had so many near death experiences, that he got out of every time, for example when he used his coat as a parachute to jump out of a helicopter. This was a little bit of an extreme event, that likely would never have worked in real life, but once again, it made for a great, intense story. All in all, I really enjoyed this book, and found it really easy to read. It was written well, kept your mind going, was fast-paced, filled with intensity, and had a totally original story line.
Impact on Society
The impact which this book has on society is, when you read it, you escape into a totally different way of thinking. Your mind continues on thinking, and just wants to keep reading until you get to the bottom of things. As you are reading, you are putting yourself in the position of one of the main characters, and are trying to solve the mystery yourself. This has an effect on the way that society thinks, and may change the views on religion and science of the readers. This book has some very controversial parts, and could create an uproar with the Catholic Church if it were all taken literally. The main impact that this book has on society is that it changes your views on many things, and opens your mind to new ideas about religion, and science. This book was very interesting, and I enjoyed it very much, it really made me think, and allowed my imagination to run wild!
Section Fifty-Seven
After this unexplainable event, the Cardinals finished their conclave and elected a new Pope. Langdon and Vittoria had made their way to a hotel where they could finally relax after what was quite literally, the longest day of their life.
The book ends with the same dream which occured in the beginning, only this time, the woman in his dream was Vittoria, and she did not turn into anything, but just stayed as herself.
The book ends with the same dream which occured in the beginning, only this time, the woman in his dream was Vittoria, and she did not turn into anything, but just stayed as herself.
Section Fifty-Six
By the time Langdon had made it to the Vatican, all of the Cardinals, and Vittoria had made it back inside of the Chapel and were gathered to finish their conclave shortly. Langdon barged through the doors and played the tape for all of the Cardinals to see. As Langdon was doing this, the Comerlegno walked in and also saw what was going on. On the tape was the private meeting of Kohler and the Comerlegno before they had been interrupted by the Guards, along with Vittoria and Langdon. On the tape, was Kohler trying to figure out why the Comerlegno had done what he did. It turned out that the Comerlegno was the man behind the terrorism. He had set everything up himself, and had it all perfectly planned out.
When hearing this, the Comerlegno demanded that he had a chance to explain. Reluctantly, the Cardinals, and everyone else let him explain. He said that he had poisoned the Pope because he was a liar, that he had a child, and that was a major sin that he had kept that a secret, and that he was not a pure Pope. After this, he knew he had to do something else to ensure that none of the "chosen four" Cardinals became the next Pope, because he did not think that they were worthy of that position, and he himself wanted to be Pope. So he set up this huge terrorism act and put his plan into action. The reason he knew where the antimatter was hidden was because he had hidden it himself so that he could make himself look like a hero when he found it.
After hearing the Comerlegno's story, one of the oldest Cardinals explained that the Pope did indeed have a child, but he had it through artificial insemination, and that his child was the Comerlegno himself. The Pope had always called the Comerlegno his son, but he never knew he meant it literally. At this the Comerlegno broke down, he ran outside into Saint Peter's Square, and jumped onto the roof of a building. Moments later, he burst into flames and was gone.
When hearing this, the Comerlegno demanded that he had a chance to explain. Reluctantly, the Cardinals, and everyone else let him explain. He said that he had poisoned the Pope because he was a liar, that he had a child, and that was a major sin that he had kept that a secret, and that he was not a pure Pope. After this, he knew he had to do something else to ensure that none of the "chosen four" Cardinals became the next Pope, because he did not think that they were worthy of that position, and he himself wanted to be Pope. So he set up this huge terrorism act and put his plan into action. The reason he knew where the antimatter was hidden was because he had hidden it himself so that he could make himself look like a hero when he found it.
After hearing the Comerlegno's story, one of the oldest Cardinals explained that the Pope did indeed have a child, but he had it through artificial insemination, and that his child was the Comerlegno himself. The Pope had always called the Comerlegno his son, but he never knew he meant it literally. At this the Comerlegno broke down, he ran outside into Saint Peter's Square, and jumped onto the roof of a building. Moments later, he burst into flames and was gone.
Section Fifty-Five
Moments after arriving in Saint Peter's Square, the Comerlegno began talking towards the heavens. He appeared to be having a conversation with himself to by standers, but insisted that he was talking with God. He said that God had told him where the antimatter was hidden, and that they needed to go quick in order to save the Vatican.
At this, Vittoria and Langdon, along with Macri and Glick (the BBC reporter and his camera woman) followed the Comerlegno back into Vatican City. All of the power had been shut off inside of the city, and this is why the BBC crew followed, or at least one of the reasons. On their camera, was a large, bright light witch would light a path for the others in hopes of finding the antimatter. They knew they only had minutes to find the antimatter, but had no idea what they would do with it once they found it. They tried to stop the Comerlegno who had seemed to have lost his mind, but he assured them that he had a plan. They followed him into the center of the city, underground to where the Pope had been buried, and on top of the casket, was the canister of antimatter.
After finding the canister, they rushed out of the tunnel while the Comerlegno explained his plan. They ran to the helicopter on the Vatican Helipad. The Comerlgno jumped into the drivers seat, and Langdon, without the Comerlegno realizing jumped into the passenger's seat with the Comerlegno. This was different than what the Comerlegno had planned, but Langdon felt that he should help him, and find a place to throw the antimatter at a safe distance away from everything. When Langdon realized that they were only climbing higher, and not going anywhere he began to get worried. The Comerlegno then looked at him and said that he was sorry, and it was not supposed to be this way, and he parachuted out of the helicopter. In a panic, Langdon grabbed his coat and jumped out only seconds later, realizing that he had interpreted the Comerlegno's plan incorrectly. Langdon knew that it only took a little bit of resistance to slow his fall, and thought it was worth a try to jump, for if he didn't, he would die anyways.
He fell quickly, and knew that his landing was not going to be good. He soon realized that he was over top of water, and he fell into a roaring river. A crew of emergency workers were gathered outside to see the explosion of the antimatter, and saw Langdon in the water. They got him out quickly and rushed him to a hospital. When he woke up, they had told him that they found a little tape player in his pocket, but the screen was broken, and you could only hear what the tape was saying, that he would have to find a new screen in order to see the image on the tape. When Langdon heard what was on the tape he shot up and demanded they let him go. After much struggling, he finally managed to get out of the hospital, and was taken by helicopter to Vatican by the emergency helicopter.
Mean while, back at Saint Peter's Square, the Comerlegno had created quite an up roar as he landed gracefully in the Square. Everybody gathered was yelling his name and praising his actions, he had saved the city.
At this, Vittoria and Langdon, along with Macri and Glick (the BBC reporter and his camera woman) followed the Comerlegno back into Vatican City. All of the power had been shut off inside of the city, and this is why the BBC crew followed, or at least one of the reasons. On their camera, was a large, bright light witch would light a path for the others in hopes of finding the antimatter. They knew they only had minutes to find the antimatter, but had no idea what they would do with it once they found it. They tried to stop the Comerlegno who had seemed to have lost his mind, but he assured them that he had a plan. They followed him into the center of the city, underground to where the Pope had been buried, and on top of the casket, was the canister of antimatter.
After finding the canister, they rushed out of the tunnel while the Comerlegno explained his plan. They ran to the helicopter on the Vatican Helipad. The Comerlgno jumped into the drivers seat, and Langdon, without the Comerlegno realizing jumped into the passenger's seat with the Comerlegno. This was different than what the Comerlegno had planned, but Langdon felt that he should help him, and find a place to throw the antimatter at a safe distance away from everything. When Langdon realized that they were only climbing higher, and not going anywhere he began to get worried. The Comerlegno then looked at him and said that he was sorry, and it was not supposed to be this way, and he parachuted out of the helicopter. In a panic, Langdon grabbed his coat and jumped out only seconds later, realizing that he had interpreted the Comerlegno's plan incorrectly. Langdon knew that it only took a little bit of resistance to slow his fall, and thought it was worth a try to jump, for if he didn't, he would die anyways.
He fell quickly, and knew that his landing was not going to be good. He soon realized that he was over top of water, and he fell into a roaring river. A crew of emergency workers were gathered outside to see the explosion of the antimatter, and saw Langdon in the water. They got him out quickly and rushed him to a hospital. When he woke up, they had told him that they found a little tape player in his pocket, but the screen was broken, and you could only hear what the tape was saying, that he would have to find a new screen in order to see the image on the tape. When Langdon heard what was on the tape he shot up and demanded they let him go. After much struggling, he finally managed to get out of the hospital, and was taken by helicopter to Vatican by the emergency helicopter.
Mean while, back at Saint Peter's Square, the Comerlegno had created quite an up roar as he landed gracefully in the Square. Everybody gathered was yelling his name and praising his actions, he had saved the city.
Section Fifty-Four

Vittoria and Langdon ran through the hallway from the Library of the Pope to the Office of the Comerlegno. When they got there, they were told that the Comerlegno was inside alone with Kohler, who recently was considered to be behind the whole terrorism act. Hearing this, Vittoria and Langdon demanded that they got let in, and witht he help of the Swiss Guards, they busted their way through the door.
When they got through the door, Kohler and one of the Guards were accused, and made out to look like the "bad guys" and were shot. Laying on the floor near Kohler was a metal rod with the Illuminati diamond ambigram on one end. This was the thing that made them all think that he was the man behind all of the crimes.
Just before Kohler took his last breaths, he gave a tape to Langdon and told him to give it to the media. Langdon was not going to do this though, because he thought that Kohler was bad, and did not want him to have any more glory.
After this crazy event, Langdon, Vittoria, the Comerlegno, and one of the Swiss Guards ran out of the Vatican with little time to spare. The Comerlegno was dazed and confused from the previous events. He gave off the impression of a crazy person as they ran into Saint Peter's Square where a crowd had gathered on the outskirts of the Vatican City.
Section Fifty-Three
As Langdon approached the secret hide out of the ancient brotherhood in hopes of finding Vittoria, he knew he was at the right place because he saw the same van that was at the previous destination. Langdon went inside and tried to find Vittoria and the Hassassin. This time, Langdon was successful in defeating the Hassassin. After a long, intense battle, Langdon, with the help of Vittoria, (who had gotten herself out of the ropes which she was tied in) finally got the Hassassin in a place to defeat him, and he pushed him over the open balcony.
Langdon and Vittoria ran quickly now to try and get back to the Vatican in time to evacuate everybody from the city before the antimatter exploded. They did not think that they would have time to make it there, but then they found an old tunnel which lead to the Vatican. This was the same tunnel which the Hassassin had used earlier to kidnap the four Cardinals. They ran through the tunnel, but when they got to the other end, they realized that the door was only accessable from the other side. They immediately started yelling and banging on the door to try and get the attention of somebody on the inside. A young Guard on the otherside of the door had heard all of this commotion, and opened the door after hearing the names Langdon and Vittoria.
Langdon and Vittoria ran quickly now to try and get back to the Vatican in time to evacuate everybody from the city before the antimatter exploded. They did not think that they would have time to make it there, but then they found an old tunnel which lead to the Vatican. This was the same tunnel which the Hassassin had used earlier to kidnap the four Cardinals. They ran through the tunnel, but when they got to the other end, they realized that the door was only accessable from the other side. They immediately started yelling and banging on the door to try and get the attention of somebody on the inside. A young Guard on the otherside of the door had heard all of this commotion, and opened the door after hearing the names Langdon and Vittoria.
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