Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Personal Views
Impact on Society
Section Fifty-Seven
The book ends with the same dream which occured in the beginning, only this time, the woman in his dream was Vittoria, and she did not turn into anything, but just stayed as herself.
Section Fifty-Six
When hearing this, the Comerlegno demanded that he had a chance to explain. Reluctantly, the Cardinals, and everyone else let him explain. He said that he had poisoned the Pope because he was a liar, that he had a child, and that was a major sin that he had kept that a secret, and that he was not a pure Pope. After this, he knew he had to do something else to ensure that none of the "chosen four" Cardinals became the next Pope, because he did not think that they were worthy of that position, and he himself wanted to be Pope. So he set up this huge terrorism act and put his plan into action. The reason he knew where the antimatter was hidden was because he had hidden it himself so that he could make himself look like a hero when he found it.
After hearing the Comerlegno's story, one of the oldest Cardinals explained that the Pope did indeed have a child, but he had it through artificial insemination, and that his child was the Comerlegno himself. The Pope had always called the Comerlegno his son, but he never knew he meant it literally. At this the Comerlegno broke down, he ran outside into Saint Peter's Square, and jumped onto the roof of a building. Moments later, he burst into flames and was gone.
Section Fifty-Five
At this, Vittoria and Langdon, along with Macri and Glick (the BBC reporter and his camera woman) followed the Comerlegno back into Vatican City. All of the power had been shut off inside of the city, and this is why the BBC crew followed, or at least one of the reasons. On their camera, was a large, bright light witch would light a path for the others in hopes of finding the antimatter. They knew they only had minutes to find the antimatter, but had no idea what they would do with it once they found it. They tried to stop the Comerlegno who had seemed to have lost his mind, but he assured them that he had a plan. They followed him into the center of the city, underground to where the Pope had been buried, and on top of the casket, was the canister of antimatter.
After finding the canister, they rushed out of the tunnel while the Comerlegno explained his plan. They ran to the helicopter on the Vatican Helipad. The Comerlgno jumped into the drivers seat, and Langdon, without the Comerlegno realizing jumped into the passenger's seat with the Comerlegno. This was different than what the Comerlegno had planned, but Langdon felt that he should help him, and find a place to throw the antimatter at a safe distance away from everything. When Langdon realized that they were only climbing higher, and not going anywhere he began to get worried. The Comerlegno then looked at him and said that he was sorry, and it was not supposed to be this way, and he parachuted out of the helicopter. In a panic, Langdon grabbed his coat and jumped out only seconds later, realizing that he had interpreted the Comerlegno's plan incorrectly. Langdon knew that it only took a little bit of resistance to slow his fall, and thought it was worth a try to jump, for if he didn't, he would die anyways.
He fell quickly, and knew that his landing was not going to be good. He soon realized that he was over top of water, and he fell into a roaring river. A crew of emergency workers were gathered outside to see the explosion of the antimatter, and saw Langdon in the water. They got him out quickly and rushed him to a hospital. When he woke up, they had told him that they found a little tape player in his pocket, but the screen was broken, and you could only hear what the tape was saying, that he would have to find a new screen in order to see the image on the tape. When Langdon heard what was on the tape he shot up and demanded they let him go. After much struggling, he finally managed to get out of the hospital, and was taken by helicopter to Vatican by the emergency helicopter.
Mean while, back at Saint Peter's Square, the Comerlegno had created quite an up roar as he landed gracefully in the Square. Everybody gathered was yelling his name and praising his actions, he had saved the city.
Section Fifty-Four

Section Fifty-Three
Langdon and Vittoria ran quickly now to try and get back to the Vatican in time to evacuate everybody from the city before the antimatter exploded. They did not think that they would have time to make it there, but then they found an old tunnel which lead to the Vatican. This was the same tunnel which the Hassassin had used earlier to kidnap the four Cardinals. They ran through the tunnel, but when they got to the other end, they realized that the door was only accessable from the other side. They immediately started yelling and banging on the door to try and get the attention of somebody on the inside. A young Guard on the otherside of the door had heard all of this commotion, and opened the door after hearing the names Langdon and Vittoria.
Section Fifty-Two

Section Fifty-One

Section Fifty
Monday, May 17, 2010
Analysis Part Three
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Section Fourty-Nine

Section Fourty-Eight
Section Fourty-Seven
Section Fourty-Six
Section Fourty-Five
Section Fourty-Four
Section Fourty-Three
At this they asked for the guide's help, as he was still hovering around them trying to figure out what was going on. They asked where Santi's original tomb could be, and after much thought they realized that it was not his tomb that they were looking for, but rather, one that he had designed. After much thought and debate, and with much of the guide's help, they had figured out what the part in the clue about the demon's hole meant. It was referring to an ossuary annex, which was a large whole under the chapel near a family tomb where they buried the "less worthy" family members when they did not have room for them in the family tomb. Langdon asked the guide if he knew of any tombs designed by Raphael with one of these "demon holes." The guide replied with, "Actually. I'm sorry... I can only think of one." At this, Vittoria was so excited, she shouted out where! The fact that the guide could only think of one tomb was perfect. The guide told them the name of the tomb was, the "Chigi Chapel." It was the tomb of Agostino Chigi and his brothers, wealthy men who supported the arts and sciences. Langdon and Vittoria asked where it was located, and were just about to be on their way when they were stopped one last time by the guide. He told them that the Chigi Chapel had not always been called this, and that it used to be known as Capella della Tera, which meant Chapel of the Earth. This fit perfectly with the part in the clue about Santi's earthly tomb.
After finding this out they ran out of the building. Vittoria called Olivetti immediately and said that they had to move, that they were at the wrong location. They ran out to a line of taxi's and were on their way to the new, correct location with only minutes to spare.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Section Fourty-Two
They scouted out the inside of the building looking for anything that could be related to the killing that was about to happen in ten minutes. They looked for the exact placement of Raphael's tomb. When they looked around, they saw nothing and decided to search the recesses in the wall. The two of them went their separate ways to search for the killer, or anything that had to do with the killing. They now only had eight minutes until the killing would occur, so they knew they had to move quickly. As they were looking, Langdon happened to come across the "cicerone" of the building, meaning the guide. The man started talking to Langdon, and went on and on with information about the building. Langdon finally just blocked out the man's talking and kept looking around the building.
Across the room was Vittoria, deep in a search of her own. When she finally came across the grave, it said;
RAPHAEL SANTI, 1483-1520
Section Fourty-One
Section Fourty
Section Thirty-Nine
Section Thirty-Eight
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Section Thirty-Seven
Langdon and Vittoria were still looking for some kind of sign, they didn't know what, all they knew was that it was something that would not be written in Italian. Finally, Vittoria came across something on folio 5, it was a foot note, or so she thought, it said "The path of light is laid, the sacred test." The most interesting thing was that it was written in English, not Italian. Nobody in the 1600's spoke English in Italy, this is what made Langdon realize that this must be part of the clue. After examining the document many times, Vittoria realized that this was not the only hidden message on the page. She knew they were nearly out of time, and in a hurry she took the piece of paper and headed for the door before Langdon could stop her.
As the two of them rushed out the door, the fresh air filled their lungs immediately, giving them a head rush. As they ran out of the archives, headed for Olivetti's office, they discussed what the riddle meant. Langdon thought that he already had it figured out, and knew where the first killing was going to take place. The poem read as follows,
From Santi's earthly tomb with demons hole,'Cross Rome the mystic elements unfold.The path of light is laid, the sacred test,Let angels guide you on your lofty quest.
Section Thirty-Six
Section Thirty-Five
Section Thirty-Four
Monday, May 10, 2010
Section Thirty-Three
Section Thirty-Two
Section Thirty-One
At his time in the military, Carlo refused to fire a gun, in turn, they taught him how to fly an emergency helicopter. He had to learn how to parachute in case of an emergency which terrified him, but he knew that God was with him, and he did it anyways. He hated his experience in the military, but he was determined to understand evil, and stick it out.
After bouncing back from his flash back, he was now at the doors of the Sistine Chapel, about to enter to give the opening prayer.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Analysis Part Two
Section Thirty
On their way to the archives Langdon explained to Vittoria that they were looking for a little book that was written by Galileo. The book that they were looking for contained "il segno" which was a clue to finding the Church of Illumination, the secret meeting place of the Illuminati. The brotherhood of the Illuminati was so secret that they had to find a way to recruit members so that they could grow as a brotherhood. The Illuminati created a kind of map that would lead scientists to their secret hideaway. The map was a trail of symbolic markers across the city which were strategically placed to point the scientists on their way to the Church of Illumination. Each marker pointed to another, and finally to the hideaway. The Illuminati used the trail as a kind of test for anyone who wanted to join the brotherhood. They had to follow the "Path of Illumination" which was so well hidden in order to join. The path was a puzzle constructed so that only certain people would be able to understand and follow it. They used the path as a screening process to ensure that only the smartest scientists made it to the final land mark, the Church of Illumination. The Illuminati called upon one of their artists to carve four sculptures which camouflaged in with all the other religious art in the city of Rome. The sculputures also had to have specific themes, each with one of the four elements of science, earth, air, fire, and water. This was the one thing that allowed the scientists on their quest to know whether or not they had the right sculpures, and if they were on the Path to Illumination. The places where the sculptures were placed were known as the "Altars of Science" by the Illuminati. These four Altars of Science were where the four Cardinals were going to be killed. After Langdon had explained all of this to Vittoria, they were finally at the archives. A Swiss Guard had met them there in order to let them in. The Guard guided them into the building and then left them to look for the book.
Section Twenty-Nine
Section Twenty-Eight
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Literary Devices
Another literary device that Dan Brown uses a lot throughout this novel is imagery. He does such an amazing job at creating a visual image in the mind of the reader. He uses great word choices, and detail in order to slip your mind right into the book. When you read the book, you enter into a new world, and you see, and think as if you are one of the characters.
Brown also uses great diction. He fills every part of his book with strong word choices that add so much detail to the book. This detail keeps you reading, and makes it difficult to put the book down.
Important Quotes
"My dad wanted to bring science to a higher level, where science supported the concept of God."
This is an important quote for the book because it explains that Leonardo Vetra was a man of both science and religion. It showed that religion does not always contradict science, and vice versa. This is important in the book because the thing that is causing all of the conflicts in the story are science and religion, and how they do not go hand in hand, when in fact they do. Vetra was trying to prove that science and religion compliment each other, rather that contradict each other.
Olivetti, Page 193
"You yourself had tea with them only hours ago."
Olivetti is saying this to the Comerlegno when the four favorite Cardinals have gone missing. He is saying this to reassure him that nothing is wrong, and that they will be able to find them no problem. This quote is so important, because later on in the book we find out that the Comerlegno is behind it all, and we know that the time when they were having tea is the time that they went missing.
Comerlegno, Page 670
"I shared their pain."
This quote is important because the Comerlegno is saying this as he motions to his chest at the ambigram of the Illuminati Diamond branded on his chest. He says that he too suffered like the four Cardinals did, and that he also would have died for God, like they did. He himself was behind their deaths, and thought that he was doing the right thing, and therefore, they died for God, and he also would have done the same thing.
Page 672
"Why did they hide that which inspired fear? Fear brought people to God!"
This quote is very important because in this book, much fear is created by the Comerlegno. The Comerlegno creates fear to try and bring people to God. He digs up ancient history, and brings it back to live. By bringing back an ancient satanic cult, the Illuminati, he finds a way to gain control, and try and bring people to the religious community.
Cardinal Mortati, Page 680
"The pope created no sin, Carlo. He was chaste."
This is when we find out that the Pope did indeed have a child, but he had it through artificial insemination with a woman from the church whom he loved, but could not be with. This is very important because the whole reason all of this terrorism starts is because the Comerlegno (Carlo) thinks that the Pope was a liar, and impure. If the Camerlegno would have just listened to the Pope's story in the first place, and not jumped to conclusions, none of this would have started in the first place, and many lives could have been saved.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Section Twenty-Seven
Section Twenty-Six
Everyone in the room listened as the caller spoke. He told them that he was the messenger from the Illuminati. He told them not to speak, and that they will all be better off if they just listen to him. He said that they have planted the bomb (antimatter) inside of the city, and that at midnight, the whole city will be demolished. He said that they have somebody on the inside walls of the Vatican to make all of this possible. He also told them that he had the preferiti, the "chosen" four Cardinals. The man on the line said that he was a descendant of the Hassassin, which explained what his plans were for the four missing Cardinals. The Hassassin said that he planned to kill the men in public in churches, and that he would do to them what the churches had done to four scientists long ago. The churches killed the men in public and branded their chests with the symbol of the cross on their chests. The Hassassin planned to brand the four missing Cardinals on the chest with symbols of the Illuminati, and kill them in the churches of Rome. This would be considered payback for what the church had done to the four scientists years ago. He said he would kill one an hour, every hour from 8PM until 11PM then at 12 midnight, the final act would occur, the destroying of Vatican City.
When the Hassassin mentioned something about Leonardo Vetra, Vittoria suddenly became outraged. She snapped at him, saying "I swear on my life, before this night is over, I will find you. And when I do..." the killer laughed and replied with, "A woman of spirit. I am aroused. Perhaps before this night is over, I will find you. And when I do..." And then he was gone.
Section Twenty-Five
Vittoria and Langdon followed Olivetti in silence to the Office of the Comerlegno. As they approached the door, Vittoria knocked on the door loudly, then it opened. The Chamberlain introduced himself, and the four of them all talked about the matter that was concerning them. The Comerlegno said that he was not impressed with the fact that he had not yet been informed of the serious security issues which was taking place there at the Vatican. Langdon began to explain the incident that had occured back at CERN and that it had to do with the Illuminati. Langdon went on to say that he thinks that the Illuminati are resurfacing to carry out an ancient pact, a pact to destroy the Vatican City.
In shock the Camerlegno looked around at the people standing before him. Olivetti explained that they could see the image of the antimatter on the missing camera #86. The Camelegno was outraged to find out that the Swiss Guard had not yet sent out a search to find the canister of antimatter. Vetra and Langdon explained how dangerous the antimatter was, and that they needed to find it as soon as possible. The Comerlegno demanded that the Guards began a search immediately.
Section Twenty-Four
When the two of them approached two guards, they gave Vittoria and Langdon some trouble for getting in due to Vittoria wearing some shorts, but the pilot told the guards who they were and to let them in. As they walked in, they got to a set of stairs, when they approached the bottom, the guard put in a code and let them into a room full of mayhem.
When they got inside the Office of the Swiss Guard they saw a collage of many different things. There were many peices of technology inside of the office. The pilot, who had led them to the Office instructed them to wait there, and that Commander Olivetti would be there soon to talk to them. Olivetti was the man who had called Kohler earlier on that day. The man led Vittoria and Langdon to an area with the servalence monitors. He demanded an explanation for the image showing up on camera #86, and sure enough, it was the canister of the stolen antimatter. Vittoria was told that they had not begun looking for the canister yet, and at this she was in shock, for the lives of the Cardinals and everyone in Vatican City were in danger. When Langdon explained that the Illuminati were responsible for this act, the Commander did not believe it and said that he did not have time for any games. Even when Langdon showed Olivetti the image on the fax, he did not believe him. When the Commander would not believe the two individuals, they demanded to see the person who was in charge, they wanted to see the Chamberlain, the one person ranked higher than Olivetti himself at the time being. At this time, they were interrupted by another guard who was coming to get Olivetti to go "sweep" the Chapel for any electronic bugs. As the Commander left, he locked Langdon and Vittoria in his office and left one of the Guards there to watch the door to ensure they did not some how escape.
Vittoria contemplated calling Kohler from her cell phone, but quickly deserted the idea for she knew that he was probably still recieving medical attention, and that the Swiss Guard would come in there at take it from her. Vittoria knew she had to somehow get ahold of the Camerlegno (who is the Chamberlain). She decided to do something risky and try to get ahold of him from the phone in Olivetti's office. Vittoria knew that they were locked in, and the Guard on the other side of the glass walls was locked out. She knew that Olivetti would be the only one with a key to the lock, and therefore knew that the guard would not be able to stop her from making a phone call. The first line she tried was not the Pope's office, and she knew she had to act quick to get it because the guard on the other side was now on his walkie talkie with Olivetti.
Section Twenty-Three
The Conclave that was going to occur in about an hour was expected to be brief, and unified. But now an unexpected situation had occured, four of the Cardinals, "the chosen Cardinals" had gone missing.
Section Twenty-Two
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Section Twenty-One
Kohler, having forgotten to take his medication that day went into an attack. He was unable to meet the person himself, for he needed medical attention, and therefore sent Langdon and Vittoria. The two of them were off to Rome to see the Swiss Guard, who were the sworn sentinels of Vatican City.
As the two of them boarded the plane, all sorts of thoughts came over them, but were quickly woken from their daydreams. There was turbulence on the way to Rome which made Langdon feel uneasy and question what the hell he was doing going to Rome now, and how this had all came to be. Vittoria began to make conversation with Langdon, sensing his uneasiness, and to make the time pass. They discussed many things about science, religion, symbolism and the Illuminati.
As they reached the end of their flight, they got off of the plane and were met by a Swiss Guard who was to take them by helicopter to Vatican City. When Vittoria asked the Guard about the canister, he had no idea what she was talking about, and clearly had not been informed of it. His job was to pick them up from the air port, and that was all.
Section Twenty
Later on, Kohler failed to show up on time for his daily injections, which worried Sylvie. She put these worries aside when she found out that Kohler was wanted on the phone by someone of high importance, but had no luck when she tried to page him. Sylvie new the man would not be willing to wait long, and had to somehow get ahold of Kohler. Running out of options and time, Sylvie went into Kohler's office and made an announcement over the intercom.
Section Nineteen
Section Eighteen
Section Seventeen
The three individuals found themselves pondering the thought of who may have stolen the antimatter, and for what reason. Langdon asked himself if it could possibly be the Illuminati, and if somehow it was, why they would possibly do this.
Vittoria wanted so badly to get the police and other officials involved in this case, but Kohler quickly explained explained to her why they couldn't do this. It was bad for CERN, and the case itself, making it a public ordeal was completely the wrong thing to do at this stage. Vittoria took complete disregard for Kohler's case, and went to her phone to make a phone call to the officials, then realized that they were too far underground to get any service, and therefore was not able to do so.
Section Sixteen
Section Fifteen
Langdon asked what it would look like if the antimatter came into contact with matter, if there would just be a tiny puff of light or what would happen. At this comment, Vittoria began to take off one of the canisters containing the antimatter from its charging podium. As a result of this, Kohler shouted at her thinking that she was completely insane, and that it was too dangerous. Vittoria told him to relax, that each canister had a back up battery that lasted for 24 hours, and that it was completely safe. After explaining this, Vittoria put a specimen of antimatter in a safe area and showed the two men what an antimatter explosion looked like. They were shocked at what a large explosion had occured from such a miniscule sample of antimatter, and what huge damage it had the potential to do if in a larger dose.
After showing Kohler and Langdon the antimatter, Vittoria demanded to see her father. She had shown them their experiment, and now in return she wanted to see her fathers body. Kohler tried to sway her from this thought and asked her questions about why she and her father kept their project a secret, and if she was sure neither her, nor her father had told anyone about it. She assured him that they were the only two who knew about it.
Kohler asked Vittoria if anything were to be missing, what would it be? Vittoria snapped back with "I have no idea. Nobody came in here, everything up here looks fine." At this Kohler said "Up here?" questioningly. Vittoria told him that they were using the lower lab to store a specimen of antimatter. Kohler was outraged to find this out, and to hear that it was a larger specimen that could be extremely hazardous, an amount so large that it could demolish anything within a half-mile radius of it.
Kohler demanded she take him and Langdon to go and see this specimen, and they immediately headed toward the elevator. When the three of them reached the lower lab, they walked over to the entrance, but something was wrong. The retina scan, like the one on the above floor, was spattered with blood. Vittoria followed the path of blood from the retina scan to the floor, then jumped back in horror before Kohler could stop her. There, staring up at them was a bloody eyeball which was unmistakably the missing eyeball of Leonardo Vetra.
Section Thirteen
Kohler told Vittoria that this was not the time for keeping secrets and that he needed to know about she and her father's secret experiment. As Vittoria took the time to gather herself, she gained control of her emotions and began to explain the experiment that she and her father had been working on.
Vittoria explained to the two men that they had proven the "big bang theory" and that they created something from nothing. She said that matter could be made simply from a large source of energy, and in this way, science actually supported religion, which was one of her fathers main goals to prove. Vittoria said that she and her father had created a type of matter. She said that everything in the world had an opposite, light and dark, heaven and hell, good and bad... and like all of these things, matter also had an opposite. Vittoria and her father had created the worlds first specimen of "anti-matter."
Section Twelve
Section Eleven
As the three of them walked together to the lab, Kohler pointed out that the original security systems of CERN had been replaced with a retina scan security system for the Vetra's lab. Langdon stood there horrified when finding this out, as he flashed back to the image of the victim's body laying on the floor with only one eye.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Section Ten
When hearing this the guard thought it could take weeks to lacate the missing camera, but this was the least of his concerns. His main worry was the image that the camera was showing, it looked like some new form of technology, but nothing like he had ever seen before. He had no idea what the object on the camera was which made him worrysome for security was very important to him and one of his main concerns.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Section Nine
The two men rushed out of the study in a hurry to go meet Vittoria Vetra, discussing the Illuminati brotherhood and whether or not it could be resurfacing. Langdon was now undecided about the matter, and had no idea what to make of it anymore. Langdon states that he stays with his original thoughts that this is not the work of the Illuminati, because they were not people of random mutilation, but everything they did, they did for a purpose. Langdon thought that the removal of the eyeball served no purpose at all, and therefore, this could not be the works of the brotherhood. When Kohler heard this he disagreed, and assured Langdon that the removal of the eyeball did indeed serve a purpose, and a very important one at that.
Just as the two men were discussing this on there way down to meet Vittoria, they saw the helicopter landing. When Vittoria jumped out of the helicopter to meet the two men, Kohler greeted her, and she introduced herself to Langdon. Kohler explained to her that he is a specialist from the United States and that he is there to help to find out who has done this to her father. When Vittoria asks about the police Kohler says nothing, and she demands to see her fathers body. Kohler said to her, "your father was brutally murdered. You would be better to remember him as he was" Vittoria begins to say something but is interrupted by other scientists at CERN greeting her. Vittoria realizes by their positvity that nobody there knows about the death of her father, and is outraged at finding this out. Kohler explains to her that they cannot tell people yet for privacy issues, and for the safety of Vittoria and her fathers secret experiment. Kohler tells Vittoria that he needs to know what she and her father were working on in their lab. When Vittoria hears this she says "The lab is irrelevent. Nobody knew what my father and I were doing. The experiment could not possibly have anything to do with my father's murder." Kohler tells her that evidence would suggest otherwise, and leaves Langdon and Vittoria questioning what he means by this statement.
As the three of them walked back into the building Langdon wanted to wish Vittoria his sympathy, as he too knew how it felt to lose a parent, but decided against it. As they continued walking, Langdon felt an uneasiness come about him as they went to enter an elevator to the Vetra's subterranean lab.