Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Section Twenty-Five

In another room, the operator sat, feeling privilaged to be one of the few people still allowed in the Vatican City, when he recieved a phone call. The call was coming from inside of the City which seemed peculiar. When he picked it up, on the other line was a woman speaking quickly and urgently, yet she still sounded composed. After hearing Vittoria's argument, the operator told her to hold before she could say anything, he was in disbelief that there was a woman in Commander Olivetti's office. He put her on hold, and called Olivetti's office, frantically, and frustrated, Vittoria picked up the phone. Before she knew it, Olivetti was ramming his key into the door, came storming into the room, and ripped the phone from her hands. He put the phone to his ear and began yelling at the person on the other end, then quickly he stopped. On the other end was the Comerlegno, he wanted to see Langdon and Vittoria.

Vittoria and Langdon followed Olivetti in silence to the Office of the Comerlegno. As they approached the door, Vittoria knocked on the door loudly, then it opened. The Chamberlain introduced himself, and the four of them all talked about the matter that was concerning them. The Comerlegno said that he was not impressed with the fact that he had not yet been informed of the serious security issues which was taking place there at the Vatican. Langdon began to explain the incident that had occured back at CERN and that it had to do with the Illuminati. Langdon went on to say that he thinks that the Illuminati are resurfacing to carry out an ancient pact, a pact to destroy the Vatican City.

In shock the Camerlegno looked around at the people standing before him. Olivetti explained that they could see the image of the antimatter on the missing camera #86. The Camelegno was outraged to find out that the Swiss Guard had not yet sent out a search to find the canister of antimatter. Vetra and Langdon explained how dangerous the antimatter was, and that they needed to find it as soon as possible. The Comerlegno demanded that the Guards began a search immediately.

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